Our former president, Bill Clinton, said "The American Dream that we were all raised on is a simple but powerful one- if you work hard and play by the rules you should be given a chance to go as far as your God-given ability will take you" (Speech to Democratic Leadership Council, 1993).
Even our childhood classrooms were filled with posters that said something to the effect of "reach for the stars" or "never give up".
But, what happens when you work hard, reach for the stars, never give up, endure, persevere, and yet, you still have not obtained anything close to the American dream? You can't even get your foot in the door? In my particular case, you become an adjunct.
My Dream
I had the dream of being an academic. Living in a world of scholarship, teaching, and service. I began this dream 14 years ago as I entered higher education as a lively, idealistic student of biology. I loved math and science, I always had, and I knew I could mold that love into a passionate career. Granted, that dream began with me wanting to be a MD and teach at a medical school, but the basic foundation was always there. I was built for the academic life. I did everything right. I was diligent with my studies. I published papers (one was published two weeks after childbirth - yep, I'm awesome). I worked relentlessly (which I owe to my parent's amazing work ethic). I attended and presented at conferences. I made sure to have diverse experiences. I finished my PhD. Then.....nothing.
Before I proceed, I want to clear the air. I have two major limitations for an academic career: mobility and "freedom."
I am a trailing spouse and my significant other is not in academia. For those who don't know, a trailing spouse is one who follows their partner's career because they make more money, have more opportunities, whatever it may be. I'm the one who has to find a job AFTER my husband because he has a good career that allows us to live a comfortable life. Also, my spouse is not an academic (thank goodness), meaning that I do not have the pull or negotiating power for a spousal accommodation. Because of this, I am limited to where I can live, and therefore, work. Despite many efforts of myself, and my PhD adviser (who was and is amazing), I have not been able to find an academic job in the city where I finished my PhD. My mobility is limited, therefore my job opportunities are limited.
In addition to not being mobile, I do not have the freedom that many of my academic counterparts do. I am the primary care-taker of the young children in our family. This is a big responsibility that takes energy, time, and thoughtfulness. Since my husband has secure employment, my first priority is taking care of my family. I only know of a few women in the sciences, or academia in general, who are highly successful in their careers as well as motherhood. Usually, one of those is compromised, and for mothers with young children it tends to be their careers.
What is an Adjunct?
Without being too dramatic, I'd like to define an adjunct for you. An adjunct is a part-time employee of higher education institutions that is paid per class, hired by semester, and does not receive benefits (even though we pay into state retirement funds). The wages earned by adjuncts are far below the poverty line. Put bluntly, we are an out-sourced labor force for higher education.
We LOVE to teach. We LOVE to learn. We LOVE inspiring students. We are also idealistic. These are the very characteristics of our personalities that make us exploitable. We honestly believe that if we work hard enough, someone will notice and give us a "real" job doing what we love. Our ability to endure, persevere, and work hard despite proper acknowledgement and compensation actually hold us back. People know that we will work for peanuts, all because we have to keep our CVs current in order to be competitive for faculty positions. It's sad, really. They use our finest qualities to keep us servants of the system.
In fact, the situation is so bad, that many adjuncts are going on welfare and living on food stamps. I don't know about you, but earning a Ph.D. and THEN living on food stamps is not my idea of the American Dream.
Many of you will probably say that you have to start at the bottom and then move up. Adjuncts are at the bottom, so you've got that part right. However, adjuncts rarely get the opportunity to move up and if they do, it's after YEARS of service. One of the reasons most adjuncts do not advance in their department is because their position is stigmatized. Being an adjunct is a shameful position and is typically looked-down upon by other professionals. You're seen as the person who didn't make it or couldn't cut it in academia. Once you are classified as an adjunct, it's a hard title to shake.
My Situation
First of all, I want to make it very clear that I am happy to have a job. The department does not owe me anything, and yet they choose to let me teach one of their largest classes. I appreciate the opportunity and I have enjoyed the experience. However, I see adjunct positions as temporary. I gave myself one year, and if I couldn't make anything from that experience then I would move on.
Well, it's been a year. Looks like I'm moving on.
I recently accepted an amazing administrative job in a department where I will grow and develop as a professional. It's still in the world of academia and I still get to teach, but not as a faculty member. Instead, I will be teaching the teachers in academia. I am very excited to be moving forward with my career and I'm elated about this particular opportunity.
Adjuncts are an excellent labor force, if someone can just find a way to tap into it. These individuals are highly educated, highly motivated, they have an incredible work ethic, and they are loyal to the end. If someone could come up with a business model that used an adjunct's skill set (teaching, scholarship, research, service) while also paying them a livable wage, they would have an inexhaustible source of highly qualified employees. Notice that I said LIVABLE WAGE. These people aren't expecting to be millionaires, or even upper-class, they just want to work hard and get a fair wage for their effort. That's what I would call the American Dream. Wouldn't you?
I've had to mourn the loss of my academic dream, but now I'm starting a new dream. Who knows where I'll go from here!
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